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Files in the top-level directory from the latest check-in of branch trunk


MMA-EoS is a computational framework for mineralogical thermodynamics. You can use it to calculate compositional, thermodynamic and mechanical properties of polycrystalline aggregates for use in geosciences.

MMA-EoS implements equations of state for solids, comes with sets of ready-to-use model parameters and can either be controlled through command line programs or linked to your own applications as a library.


Most of the code for MMA-EoS is written in F# with some performance critical parts and system interfaces in C. This means that the code will run on many platforms that have a .NET environment, but some machine specific parts need to be present for certain functionality.

If you unpacked a binary distribution archive of MMA-EoS, you should be able to run the launcher program eos (for unixoid systems) or eos.exe (for windows-like systems) directly. You can verify the authenticity of the distribution archives using Minisign:

minisign -Vm EoS-... -P RWQqcIdQLuG/Iiw3rcwD9D3Wu8UojK49fBSLibuda44tqkEcZV+xTfYC

Alternatively, you can run MMA-EoS using Docker. Images are provided in the repository chust/eos. Where you would run eos, you can instead type docker run --rm chust/eos. Where you would use mpiexec -n N eos for parallel execution, you can instead use docker run --env=NPROC=N --rm chust/eos.

If you want to compile MMA-EoS yourself, you will need an F# 6.0 compiler, and a C compiler. You'll also need MPI libraries for your platform if you want parallel execution support. You should install the .NET Core SDK, then run the BuildAndTest.ps1 script. In case no recent version of PowerShell is present on your system, you can simply install it as a tool for the .NET Core SDK using dotnet tool install -g powershell. If you need fine grained control over the build process, you can manually build EoS.sln using dotnet build, and the LPSolve and MPIGlue directories using GNU make.

To create a distribution directory or archive after building MMA-EoS, use the BundleAndZip.ps1 script, the EoS.iss installer script for Windows, or one of the *.dockerfiles to build an image containing the command line tools.

Command Line Use

The launcher program allows you to invoke a number of command line tools for common tasks. Simply running


will list the available subcommand. Running a subcommand with the -help flag should list its command line options, for example:

eos prop -help

The tools all have similar options. Perhaps the most important one -db=... which selects a file with model parameters to use in the calculations. You can write, for example, -db=SLB11 to select the file SLB11.xml from the MMA-EoS library directory or -db=path/to/some.xml to specify an explicit path. Additional non-option arguments often allow to narrow the selection of phases from the database.

To see what's in a phase collection, open the XML database file in a text editor or try something like this:

eos pidx -db=SLB11

The pidx tool also accepts the option -r to recursively list members of collections; and it can offset the indices it reports (-o=N), which can be handy if you want to determine column numbers in a file that contains composition vectors along with other data fields.

The prop tool can compute state variables for phases and collections of phases. For example, you could output the volume (-o=V) of forsterite (fo) with model parameters from Stixrude and Lithgow-Bertelloni 2011 (-db=SBL11) at a pressure of 10 GPa (-P=10e9Pa) and a temperature of 1000 K (-T=1000K) with this command:

eos prop -db=SLB11 fo -P=10e9Pa -T=1000K -o=V

If pressures and temperatures are specified in other units than pascal and kelvin, they are passed to unit conversion functions that require the UDUNITS library to be installed.

Instead of passing pressure and temperature options to the program, you can also convey that information through standard input. If you want to obtain properties for a solid solution or collection of phases, MMA-EoS also needs a composition vector. For example one could obtain the density of olivine with 90% forsterite and 10% fayalite at 1 bar and 300 K with this command:

echo '1e5 300 0.9 0.1' | eos prop -db=SLB11 ol -o=rho

The -o=... option supports a variety of output variables:

Variable Unit Description
p Pa Pressure
T K Temperature
x 1 Composition vector
atoms 1 Number of atoms per formula unit
V m^3/mol Molar volume
rho kg/m^3 Density
beta 1/Pa Isothermal compressibility
alpha 1/K Thermal expansivity
kappa&mu Pa Adiabatic compression modulus and shear modulus
vp&vs m/s P- and S-wave velocities
G J/mol Molar Gibbs energy
S J/mol/K Molar entropy
Cp J/mol/K Isobaric molar heat capacity
Cv J/mol/K Isochoric molar heat capacity
gamma 1 Grüneisen parameter

Finally, you can tell the tool to loop over a range of pressures and/or temperatures using a combination of the -P=..., -toP=..., -nP=..., -T=..., -toT=... and -nT=... options. For example, the following command would display a graphical representation of forsterite volume as a function of pressure using GMT plotting tools and ImageMagick:

eos prop -db=SLB11 fo -P=0 -toP=25e9Pa -nP=251 -T=300K -o=p,V \
| psxy -JX15c -R0/25e9/3.5e-5/4.5e-5 -B'5e9:p/Pa:/0.5e-5:m@+3@+/mol:' \
| display -

The opti and bmpv tools can be used to produce phase diagrams. opti takes a phase collection, pressure, temperature and bulk composition as input and computes a stable phase assemblage. bmpv is an interactive graphical viewer for such data. The following command, for example, produces a coarsely resolved diagram of stable phases with the bulk composition Mg2SiO4:

cfg=(-db=SLB11 -P=0 -toP=25e9Pa -nP=26 -T=300K -toT=2300 -nT=21)
mpiexec -n $(nproc) eos opti ${cfg[@]} -bulk=Mg2SiO4 -o=p,T,phases \
| eos bmpv ${cfg[@]}

Both the prop and opti tools can run computations in parallel when invoked in an MPI environment, provided the support library for MPI is available for the host platform. Note that the output of the tools will not necessarily be in the same sequence as their input in this case; it is advisable to echo the input parameters through suitable settings with the -o=... option.

As with the prop tool, the output of the opti tool can be controlled using different arguments to the -o=... command line option:

Variable Unit Description
p Pa Pressure
T K Temperature
bulk formula Chemical bulk composition formula
xbulk 1 Bulk composition interval position mapped to [0, 1]
x 1 Composition vector of stable phase assemblage
xtree string Textual representation of stable phase assemblage
phases bitmap Bit field with bits set for each phase present
endmembers bitmap Bit field with bits set for each endmember present

When output from opti is generated with the -o=p,T,x option (which is the default), the result can not only be piped into prop, but also loaded by that tool as a composition grid:

mpiexec -n $(nproc) eos opti -db=SLB11 \
  -P=0 -toP=25e9Pa -nP=26 -T=1000K -toT=2000 -nT=11 \
  -bulk='(Mg0.9Fe0.1)2SiO4' -o=p,T,x >grid.txt
mpiexec -n $(nproc) eos prop -db=SLB11 -x=grid.txt \
  -P=10e9Pa -T=300K -toT=1300K -nT=11 -o=p,T,rho

prop maps every requested pressure, temperature point to the nearest grid point to determine the associated composition vector.

Note that MMA-EoS prints some progress messages on standard error while data and comments describing the data go to standard output. If you redirect output, make sure not to mix the two streams (for example use nohup with two redirections like this >output.txt 2>error.log to prevent random interleaving of output).

MMA-EoS deals with compositions as chemical formulas. The form tool can convert between the molar format and mass or atomic fractions, for example the bulk composition Mg2SiO4 can be converted to a list of mass fractions like this:

eos form -to=mass -flat -table Mg2SiO4

Of course the other direction works as well:

eos form -from=mass 0.454874 O 0.345504 Mg Si

The fraction of the last chemical component passed on the command line can be omitted and is assumed to be one minus the sum of the other fractions.

As an alternative to specifying the composition manually, MMA-EoS also comes with a small database of abbreviations for common bulk compositions; for example -bulk=pyrolite/fms is equivalent to -bulk=(MgO)1.3424(FeO)0.1662(SiO2).

Library Use

MMA-EoS is highly modular. The command line tools that come with it by default are nothing but thin wrapper scripts for a set of F# assemblies:

Depending on what you want to do, you will have to link against one or more of these libraries. XML documentation comes with the assemblies. Building MMA-EoS from source will also render a simple HTML representation of the documentation comments in the source. A good starting point to explore the API is the EoS.Phases namespace.

The following example will output the volume of a phase as specified by command line options:

#r "EoS.Core"
#r "EoS.CommandLine"

open System
open FSharp.Data.UnitSystems.SI.UnitSymbols
open EoS.Phases
open EoS.CommandLine

let db = Flag.DatabaseOpt "db" "Model parameter database"
let p = Flag.PressureOpt "P" 1.0e5<Pa> "Pressure"
let T = Flag.TemperatureOpt "T" 300.0<K> "Temperature"

let main (args : string[]) =
  let pname = if args.Length > 0 then args[0] else "fo"
  let phase = db.Value.TryGetObject<IPhase>(pname).Value
  let p, T = p.Value, T.Value
  printfn "V(p = %g Pa, T = %g K) = %g m^3/mol" <|
  p / 1.0<Pa> <| T / 1.0<K> <|
  phase.Volume(p, T) / 1.0<m^3/mol>

Flag.WithCommandLineArgs main

Background Information

Detailed information about the physical models and implementation strategy behind MMA-EoS as well as a couple of application examples can be found in this article:

T. C. Chust, G. Steinle‐Neumann, D. Dolejs, B. S. Schuberth, and H. P. Bunge. MMA‐EoS: A computational framework for mineralogical thermodynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122:9881-9920, 2017. doi:10.1002/2017JB014501

Community Support

A user support forum for MMA-EoS is available in the form of a Slack workspace. You are welcome to use the open invitation and join the discussion!